reflections of poetic impositions, (2020)
Platforms 2020: Public Works
City of Vancouver
August 3 – September 6, 2020
I’d come get you
If you weren’t there
If you’d listen
I’d take you with me
If you weren’t there
I’d come get you
reflections of poetic impositions are oscillating visual texts that that take their charge from the collaborative imaginations of their readers. These short poems, “I’d come get you, If you weren’t there, If you’d listen, I’d take you with me” positioned on mirror, reflect back at the reader with a tone particular to the reader’s owned lived experience – opening the text up to being interpreted as soothing sentiment or as maliciously overbearing. Situated in a space dominated by advertising, they might also easily be mistaken for vague advertisements in a world foregrounded by capitalist desire.